Personal, International Interdisciplinary Exhibition

Kibla Multimedia Centre

October 5 – December 29 2018
Kibla Portal, Maribor, Slovenia

Nikita Shalenny

The exhibition ‘Personal’ was one of a series of large-scale international events of the four-year project Risk Change (2016–2020), showcasing over 100 artworks by forty national and foreign artists. Among those selected to take part was Nikita Shalenny, presenting his VR artwork The Bridge (2017) produced in collaboration with Khora Contemporary.

Risk Change covers the field of contemporary interdisciplinary culture, art and creativity connected to science, especially social and applied sciences and ICT. The aim of the project is to consolidate active collaboration between different target audiences, especially between new immigrants and people living in multicultural communities, by strengthening active interest in all public issues referring to social structures and the development of science and technology in a shared future. 

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